Results are incomplete. Cave of resonance and paintings of
shadows. Filth resides in stair
corners, ledges
to not be stepped on, another form of breeding. Old women place
what’s left of themselves
in stockings that won’t
stay taut. Safety pins unlatched, sharply gleaming. Musical
clock never misses a tune,
wound. Ashtray
with a spade imprint. Still no one knows why the murderer has
done what is, continues,
to be done.
Glass psychology. On the insistence of day, a good one. Limping through the park to become.
Glass psychology. On the insistence of day, a good one. Limping through the park to become.
Merrily, figures add. Bill-
board adorned with another such beauty, life-like, only grander.
Cactuses are best at what they do,
waiting on half-lives they
are promised. Over the cliff-face is postulated a cliff, another
climb to climb. Grass roots clinging.